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Grabbing Pills


Patient Sites:
Know who is really visiting, what they need, and how your site impacts their interest in your brand. You’ll even uncover how many people talked to their doctor because of their visit to your site & campaigns.

HCP Sites:
Know if the visitors are really HCPs, why they are visiting, what pages they are viewing, and whether their visit improved their attitudes about your brand and company.

Digital Impact

Know how many patients talk to their doctor because of their visit to your website. For HCPs, know how the visit impacts intent to change prescribing

Brand Perceptions

Learn how your website impacts brand perceptions. Know which content helps & which hurts perceptions

Website Optimization & Redesign

Understand the net impact each page has on visitors and understand which existing problems should be prioritized to fix while planning a new site


Identify which content is most effective for each audience (e.g. HCPs, patients, caregivers, etc.)

Use Cases

Case Studies

Doctor Using Digital Tablet

80% Lift in Qualified HCP Leads

B2B | Pharma

Diagnosing the pain points of a user-research guided site redesign

Scientist on Computer

55% Lift in Leads Becoming Customers


Teaching a robust lead gen program how to seal the deal


Questions We Answer

What content improves brand perceptions and intent to talk with a doctor? 
How many patients talk to their doctor because of our website & campaigns?

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